God is “Not Trying”

This article was written by a friend.

This morning God revealed to me some perception issues we have about Him and how we see and hear or rather don’t see and hear. In my conversation with my wife this morning, she stated “I think God is trying to help you do….…..” I responded “what if He is Not trying?” She said what do you mean? Are you saying God is not trying to help you?” I responded “say the same statement leaving out the word trying.” She said “I think God IS helping you do……” I was not trying to pick apart the obvious intention of my wife’s statement, but I discerned how our words reveal our mindset, in this case the outcome. I realized the Lord was revealing how many times I incorrectly use the word trying when I describe what He is doing, revealing my own mindset. The Lord many times will cause me to experience what He experiences from me, so I know what it feels like. Our clear perception of His truth makes it operational in our lives.

God has already overcome the world, He already finished His work. He is not unable to deliver what He promised. He is renewing our mind and He is leading us to truth. Despite my inability to perceive or receive does not change that He will bring His promises to pass. I believe that when we are using the word “trying” in our description of what God is doing, we reveal uncertainty in our mind about the outcome or finished result. If we have uncertainty in our mind we entertain the possibility of a different outcome than God’s promise.

Matthew 4:19 (NKJV) Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Matthew 25:21 (NKJV) His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

God is not trying to make you, He is making you! It seems a subtle difference of words, but reveals a huge difference in mindset. Can we believe He will rather than He is trying? Does that difference change our expectation and confidence in the midst of tribulation and trial? Does that change our perception of the steps He ordered for us and why we are standing where we are standing? I realized how subtle wrong perceptions can hinder the peace and confidence in the way we walk, whether knowing or hoping. The Lord spoke to me clearly on one occasion saying “your kingdom walk is in your “knows”, and what you speculate about I will bring to your knowing when you need to know it.” God knows we cannot be shaken from what we know. We walk confidently in what we know. However knowing His truth and love is paramount in walking in His truth in love.

Consider that God is not trying to make you like Him; He is making you like Him.