Entries by Glen Garrity Sr.


– WARNING FROM THE LORD – BEWARE OF THE ROOT OF BITTERNESS   Hebrews 12:15 (AMP) 15 Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God’s grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of […]


SLAYING GIANTS When DAVID killed Goliath He was an ambassador for Christ as Jesus and all of the Kingdom of Heaven were with DAVID.  No other Israelite stood against Goliath with DAVID!  The beginning of the mighty men requires true and complete submission, trust, faith, relationship and dependency upon Christ Jesus!  Lessons of importance:  DAVID […]


URGENT CALL TO PREPARE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST   In a recent dream the Lord gave me I kept seeing a bride and the Lord kept giving me the number 40 with the vision of the bride and a wedding ceremony.  As I was dreaming I kept thinking and speaking to the Lord why the […]


Coddling Vs. Cuddling Do you coddle or cuddle?  They are not the same even though the motives may be genuine and heartfelt. Coddle: coddle |ˈkädl| verb [ with obj. ] 1 treat in an indulgent or overprotective way: I was coddled and cosseted. Cuddle:  cuddle |ˈkədl| verb [ with obj. ] hold close in one’s arms as a way of showing love or affection: he cuddles the baby close | they were cuddling each other in the back seat | [ no obj. ] : the pairhave been spotted kissing and cuddling. • [ no obj. ] lie or sit close and snug: I love cuddling upin […]


CHRIST ABOVE ALL When your human “teacher” becomes your standard of achievement, knowledge or growth then true spiritual discipleship is easily reduced to fellowship and the pearl of great price Christ Jesus and the Kingdom has been reduced to fellowship, friendship or the assembly of people above Christ. While we are called to edify and […]


UNITY VS. DIVISION  It’s amazing that the Apostle Paul once known as Saul who persecuted the church would write 1 Corinthians 12 &13.  The number 12 represents God’s Government, power and divine authority that was freely given as “broken bread” to the Lord’s people in diversity of spiritual gifts and callings to make one body/loaf/church […]

God is “Not Trying”

This article was written by a friend. This morning God revealed to me some perception issues we have about Him and how we see and hear or rather don’t see and hear. In my conversation with my wife this morning, she stated “I think God is trying to help you do….…..” I responded “what if […]


HEART & BLOOD We are “cleansed by the Blood of Jesus” the “sacrificial love and heart of the Lamb”.  For what is the heart without “The Blood”?  It is the heart and Spirit of The Lord that is life giving!  The heart and blood of Jesus are inseparable.  “The Blood of Christ Jesus” is cleansing […]


COMPROMISE   For the last week I have been fasting and praying as my Spirit was grieving for the Body of Christ.  As I was interceding for the Body of Christ and felt The Lord’s grieving for His people He spoke to me about how His people willingly compromising their spiritual lives.    The Lord […]

The Power Of One

THE POWER OF ONE   I remember when I first decided to attend ministry school.  One man I worked with said to me:  “Glen, what can one man do and accomplish when the world is in darkness and subject to doom”.  I said Jesus Christ was only one man and how many lives has He […]